The absolute cheat sheet to dating and relationships




This course is the absolute cheat sheet to dating and relationships and will reveal the 10 essential qualities and behaviors of healthy partners. 

Now you’ll know exactly what qualities to look for and how to assess for them in the dating world. No longer settling for chemistry or mistaking chemistry for compatibility. We know this doesn’t work. If you’re single and dating, after watching the 10 modules (and doing the homework if you’d like) you will be able to identity the 10 essential qualifiers to any healthy partner. AND you’ll be able to self-assess if you possess these qualities yourself or if you have work to do.

If you’re in a relationship, this course will help you pinpoint what needs to change.

Where Do You Need to Grow?

If you’re in a relationship you and your partner can watch together or you can do it on your own.

This course will help you identify where you need to grow and improve to show up as the healthiest partner possible. Or how you may be blocking love by not demonstrating these important skills and qualities. This course is the first step toward healthy love!

Meet your teacher

Dr. Tari Mack

The work we do together will be deep, transformational and will work quickly. We don't have time to waste when it comes to helping you access the love and life you've been dreaming of. You want answers? I've got them for you. And I will be gentle and honest in helping you change your relationship patterns and access love.



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Jenny, Los Angeles

" Dr. Tari keeps it real - it’s impossible to be touched by her wisdom without it leaving a mark. She truly has changed my life by helping me to discover the barriers and behaviors that were getting in the way of healthy relationships. Often, I felt like the discoveries we made were mind-blowing and game changing and I couldn’t believe that I had not realized them years ago (even with years of previous therapy). Other times, the concepts we covered were not new to me, but she guided me in a way that made me feel supported and safe to finally trust my gut. She held me accountable and gave me homework. She’s funny, and kind and wise. I am truly grateful for the sessions I’ve had with her and feel like I have been equipped with strategies, insights and tools to last a lifetime. Since my work with Dr. Tari, I have found an amazing partner and have created a conscious relationship of my dreams! I've needed to check in for guidance and support at different times with Dr. Tari and she's helped me identify what my "work" was in each situation and how to proceed so that I honored both myself and the relationship and not repeated my mistakes in past relationships. My work with Dr. Tari has been life changing! "

Andrea, San FransiscoJenny, Los Angeles

Tari is like a crunchy, cheesy, delicious cheeto….every time I get a piece, I want more! She also keeps it real, like a cheeto - it’s impossible to be touched by her wisdom without it leaving a mark (a bright orange, sometimes messy, mark!). She truly has changed my life by helping me to discover the barriers and behaviors that were getting in the way of healthy relationships. Often times the concepts and discoveries were not new to me, but she guided me in a way that made me feel supported and safe to finally trust my gut. Other times, I felt like the discoveries were mind-blowing and game changing and I couldn’t believe that I had not realized them years ago (even with years of previous therapy). She held me accountable and gave me homework. She’s funny, and kind and wise. I am truly grateful for the sessions I’ve had with her and feel like I have been equipped with strategies, insights and tools to last a lifetime…until I get a craving for another cheeto!

-Sabrina, Chicago IL

“I worked with Dr. Mack on a love assessment and she identified my blind spots through a questionnaire and a few phone calls. When I say I made more progress with Dr. Mack in these short few sessions than I have the last year with my therapist (not Dr. Mack), I tell no lies. What she revealed to me became my mantras, or my "work" as she likes to call it. I became aware of what I needed to work on, what I had been doing wrong and was determined to break these patterns. Three months later, I met someone and I couldn’t be happier! Ask, believe, do your work and receive! Thank you Dr. Mack! ."

Brittany, Utah

Working with Dr. Tari was a fabulous experience. Talking with her felt like talking to a very wise loving friend. She is extremely intuitive and insightful. She provides both the gentle " soft l best friend love" that makes you feel safe and understood as well as the " tough love" that really lights a fire for you to understand how to heal, grow, and do better moving forward as you " do your own work." She helped me see what my personal work was, and learning about BOUNDARIES has really been a game changer for me. I've been exclusively dating my current boyfriend for 13 months now. We met two months after working with Dr. Tari. I learned so much about myself and relationships and have been able to drop a lot of my scarcity mentality mindset as she helped me trust more in the abundance that is always available. Work with Dr. Tari!

Melissa, Chicago

During this time with Tari, I have learned so much about myself, to be kind to myself, and how to see the world completely differently. I have also become a spiritual person, which I never thought I would be saying in a million years. I regularly see “symbols” throughout my day that turn out to be spiritual signs of hope and happiness, a big part of this spiritual journey. I am also happy to say that I instantly started attracting men into my life and during a quarantine no less. I had very little, to no experience with dating before Tari, as I had a lot of myself to work on. For the first time in my life I am happily dating a very sweet and emotionally healthy man. I call Tari my “Fairy Godmother,” as that is truly what she is. She is magical and wants the best for not only her clients, but for all women. I don’t know what I would do without her and I am so grateful for that desperate Facebook post I made with the intention of meeting a man to fulfill my happiness. “The Universe guides you to what you deserve in life and I was led to Tari.” She is my Guardian Angel.

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What are you waiting for? I know you want answers. And you want your relationships to work. I’ll give you the best shot possible.

Click here to get the course.

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Core Belief

What we long for is meant for us and no one can save us or make us happy - we have to learn to do that for ourselves. What we want is waiting for us and we have to do the work to access it. Life should be peaceful and joyful and we get tests/lessons in life based on what we need to learn and how we need to grow. These tests and lessons show up in our dating life as well. Everything is always working out for us, our thoughts create our reality, what we focus on grows, and the quality of our life depends on our thoughts and actions.